Allowing Import of Modules

Scripts are able to import a small number of Python modules for which there are security declarations. These include string, math, and random. The only way to make other Python modules available for import is to add security declarations to them in the filesystem.


The simplest way to allow import of a module is to create your own simple custom Product. To make this Product:

  1. Create a subdirectory of your Zope installation's "Products" directory. The name of the directory doesn't really matter; Let's call it MyScriptModules.

  2. Create a file in this subdirectory called ''.

  3. Add the following lines to your '':

          from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_module, allow_class
          from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo, ClassSecurityInfo
          from Globals import InitializeClass

  4. For each module to which you want to allow access, add security declarations in ''.

Security Declarations

You will need to write different security declarations depending on how much of a module you want to expose. You should import the module at the Python command line, and use 'dir(name>) to examine its contents. Names starting with underscore (') may be safely ignored. Be wary of dangerous modules, such as sys and os, which may be exposed by the module.

You can handle a module, such as base64, that contains only safe functions by writing 'allowmodule("modulename")'.

To allow access to only some names, in a module with dangerous contents, you can write:

      'name2', ...)

If the module contains a class that you want to use, you will need to add the following:

      from <module_name> import <class>

Certain modules, such as sha, provide extension types instead of classes. Security declarations typically cannot be added to extension types, so the only way to use this sort of module is to write a Python wrapper class, or use External Methods.