ObjectManager - Advanced Find: Search Zope.


This view allows you to search for Zope objects.

To find objects you specify search criteria in the top frame and then click the Find button. The find results will appear in the button frame. For fewer search criteria click the Simple... link.


Find objects of type
The types of objects to find.
with ids
The ids of objects to find. You may specify one or more ids separated by spaces.
The text that must be contained in the body of found items. Text in the title or other attribute fields will not be searched.
A DTML expressions to restrict found items. If the expression evaluates to false in the context of the found object, the object is rejected.
Allows you to restrict your search to a specific time period. You can choose whether objects before or after a specified date/time.

Note: The date should be a DateTime string such as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD, or hh:mm.

where the roles
Use in combination with have permission option. Restricts found objects to those which provide the the indicated permissions for the indicated roles.
have permission
Use in combination with where the roles.Restricts found objects to those which provide the the indicated permissions for the indicated roles.
Search only in this folder
Find objects in this folder.
Search all subfolders
Find objects in all subfolders.
Find objects matching the find criteria.