LDAPLoginAdapter - Advanced: Edit Advanced Properties


This view allows you to manage the advanced attributes of the LDAPLoginAdapter.


Purge All caches
This will purge all caches inside the LDAPLoginAdapter. This includes the cache of currently authenticated users, the log and any cached username lists.
Special user IDs and Additional roles
These fields contains optional comma-separated lists of usernames that will receive the roles listed in "Additional Roles" above and beyond roles they already have stored on the LDAP server.
Log verbosity
This setting influences how much gets logged to the LDAPUserAdapter's internal log. This setting is cumulative, meaning a specific log level setting will log all events at the same or lower log level. The different log levels are:
Set allowable user attributes
Specify the list of LDAP record attributes that can be selected from for the "Login name attribute" in the main configuration screen. You can add custom attributes to this list and make them available for authentication as a legal username.
Apply Changes
Save all changes made in this view.