
The AddressBookContact is used for grouping a set of attributes together. These attributes consist of personalia, contact information and relevant notes.

The address book contact view

The view presents all the data currently available for that contact. There is the possibility of adding several email addresses, and the one selected as primary email will be listed in the AddressBook view.

Attributes of the AddressBookContact are:

Firstname Middlename Surname Nickname


The contacts home street.

City / Town

The contacts home city / town.

State / County

The contacts home state / county.

Zip / Post code

The contacts home zip / post code.


The contacts home country.


The contacts personal website.

Telephone home

The contacts home telephone.

Telephone mobile

The contacts mobile telephone.

Telephone pager

The contacts pager.

Telephone fax

The contacts fax telephone.


Miscellaneous notes about the contact.

Assistant name

The contacts assistants name

Assistant phone

The contacts assistants phone.

Company information

Company name

The name of the company the contact works for

Company street Company city / town Company state / county Company zip / post code Company country Company website Company employee job title

The working title for the contact at the company.

Company employee department

The department where the contact works.

Company employee pager

Pager with which to page the contact at work.

Company employee phone

Phone number with which to call the employee at work.

Company employee fax

Fax number with which to fax the employee at work.


The groups this contact is member of

Objects of the AddressBookContact are:


Any number of emails can be associated with the contact, and one selected as primary email.